Tuesday 26 May 2015

Miss me, Bitch?

So.. Real life begins.


The end of my teenage years and the beginning of my adulthood. Where real shits begins. Friends fading away, Studying gets real, Lover knows how to cheat... Virgin knows how to party and all related to that.

And.... there's me.

Still. Working. Apparently I got myself a new job. WAAY BETTER than before. Can you tell how happy I am right now? lol. But I feel new. I felt prettier, All these make ups and shit but yeah. I feel like me. The new me.

No longer an innocent selebet looking girl who scoops ice cream for kids.

I am the new cake faced full of make up bitch who wears black all day. I know. I look bitchy as fuck after all these break ups and shit. I even side eyeing whenever I saw my ex and his crack whore.... while holding a cigarette in between my fingers.

Shut up. Lemme do what I want.

And let me just throw all these bullshits about him far away from my mind because I know I can find better. Pfft. Enough of him already. He can go fuck his bitch all he want. Because I know that's the only bitch who wants to suck his dick. LOL

So hey. Miss me?