Sunday 13 September 2015

Short stuff.


It's me again. of course. lol. 

Sorry dear self that I took too much time moving on from the past. 

Like how Ted Mosby said in 'How I met your mother', moving on isn't easy. nothing will make a difference.. But somehow time will. 

It is true indeed. 

Okaaay. So... What's good? Yes I am asking myself since I am the only one who reads my own blog here. How pathetic

what's good you ask? 


Life has been good to me for the past few months. except for some stuff.. But I'll get to that later. It ain't really bothers me that much since I've not letting negative vibes get to me.

I mean.. Why should I? psshhh. 

Oh yeah. The good stuff. As you know I mentioned about the new job I got. Yes. I am still happy with it. Although I am the only girl in the team.. But nah it's fine. 

Because I hate dealing with girls even though I am one of em.


About the job. The paying is absolutely stabilizing my financial issue which I don't have. haha. I can finally buy things I have wished for the last few months.... which is my phone. 

I have no trouble coping with the teammates although sometimes Aslam can be super damn bebal. Not sometimes.. Let say, All the time. 

Yea. I said yea too much.. 

And I got fat. Which explains the word 'happy' I mentioned earlier. It's okay.. At least there are more of me to love myself. hahahahaha.

I need to lose weights..